Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 6

Day 36, Wednesday, February 5th
Logan's Half Birthday
We celebrated with 1/2 of a cupcake for each of us from Cupcake Blues.

Day 37, Thursday, February 6th
What a nice email from Presley's teacher. 

Day 38, Friday, February 7th
Yikes...It was one cold morning!!

Day 39, Saturday, February 8th
Logan's indoor soccer team won the championship.
Logan has a lot of tournaments that conflict with the soccer schedule, but he likes to play when he's available. 

Day 40, Sunday, February 9th
In between games for Logan's Basketball Tournament. 

Day 41, Monday, February 10th
More snow through the night and into the day meant a fun time sledding after school. 

Day 42, Tuesday, February 11th
Getting invitations ready for Rylan's "Wish it was Summer Again" Birthday party. 

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