Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Nelson's Christmas Movie List

These movies are our definite must-see's through the Christmas season. 

That Clark Griswold has a special place in my heart.  One of Dave and I's first dates was watching European Vacation--we walked down to the video store and rented it and watched it at Sue Lombard.  We watch this movie every year at our Christmas Party with the Larson's and the Smith's.  Those three boys (and Logan almost) can pretty much quote the entire movie.  We've already watched this one this month.  Number one favorite X-Mas movie, hands down.  Love it!!

Again, my darling hubby...
We called Dave, Buddy, as we walked through the Winchester House on vacation.
He'll watch anything with Will Ferrell in it and laugh, laugh, and laugh some more.
Elf is no exception.
There are some classic lines in this one.
Everything about this movie makes me smile. 
And it has a great soundtrack too. 
The kids love this one. 
This one is playing in our car DVD right now.  
Dave likes Arnold Schwarzenegger too.
(but probably more like Terminator Schwarzenegger)
No matter, he *kind of* plays a superhero in this one at the end. 
We've had this DVD for many, many years--probably since Logan was a baby. 
We play it over and over in the car during Christmas.  
It's six short movies.
I love the Goofy and Max one--always been my favorite. 
Presley likes the Minnie and Daisy ice skating one. 
Rylan likes the Huey, Dewey, and Louie one. 
I make the kids watch this once a year with me. 
Logan actually kind of liked it last year. He likes the history of it. 
Presley especially loves this really can't help but sing along. 
Amy, Samee, and I used to perform this. 
One time I was being a brat and Pom Pom asked us to do this for her and I wouldn't. 
I've always regretted that. 
Another sweet classic that teaches the true meaning of Christmas. 
We have this in book form and in the real person movie too.
The kids don't like that one as much. 
We love Cindy Lou-Who and the dog Max.
I watch this one at least once every year (by myself).
I read the book years ago and was so happy when they finally came out with the movie. 
When Tim Allen gives the cruise tickets away, tears every time. 
"You'll shoot your eye out"
Enough said.
The Christmas movie of my childhood.
My kids have never seen it.
I must go to order it off Amazon. 

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