Tuesday, December 10, 2013

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

How Lovely Are Your Branches

Dave pulled out our fake tree and put it up in the front room.  It's so easy to assemble with the lights already on...we love having it, and it's paid for itself many times over (I can attest to that because I spent a small fortune on a live tree on Sunday).

 I don't know why my kids dress like it's summer when it's 10 degrees outside. 

I love this picture of Logan that I didn't even know I got. 
The black and white picture is him as a 5 year old hanging an ornament on the tree.
And now as a 12 year old doing the same.  
Ry really wanted to put the angel on top of the tree but he couldn't quite get it on straight.
So Logan wanted to try to get it straighter...
We officially have a crooked angel on the top of our tree.  

We've been busy decking the halls around here!!
Love Christmas Time!

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