Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Performances: Presley and Harper

Presley had her yearly musical performance this month.  This year the 4th and 5th graders performed Merriment in the Halls together.  She was a lowly peasant (she tried out for the part of the jester but didn't get it).  She got to play the xylophone though and that made her happy.

Matthew, Presley, Ainsley, and Taylor

It was so full that we had to stand during the performance.  I looked down and Ry was leaning against me with his hands around Harper who was leaning against him.  They stayed like this for a long time. 

Harper had her Seeds pre-school performance on Monday night.  She walked in as a reindeer (with an antler headband) and was still and quiet as she sang.  She did know some of the words and some of the hand motions, but not all. 

I took these pictures after the performance, as they were trying to eat their treats. 

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