Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shelton's Tree Farm (Cashmere)

Dave and I decided to get a real tree this year.  I'm going to tie all of our friends and families Christmas cards on it.  We made the drive to Shelton's Tree Farm in Cashmere on Sunday morning.

We played Christmas songs and sang along with them.  
Dave and the kids are always so impressed with my singing abilities. 

It took Dave and Presley about 2 minutes to find this one and they thought we should be done.  
But I decided I needed to look a bit (alot) longer. 

Harper declared this tree the was a bit on the tall side. 
Harper jumping up and down cause she found one "with a tag on it".
They all had tags.
Ry was cold....
And cute!!
We found one we all liked...

So we paid and had hot cocoa we brought from home.
And Daddy and Presley tied 'er down. 

And we were off...

Nelson's Christmas Tree Adventure 2013

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