Tuesday, December 17, 2013

K-Kids Service Project

Logan and Presley have both belonged to an elementary club called the K-Kids.  It's ran by the Kiwanis.  The group's whole purpose is to do community type service projects throughout the year.

Logan did it in both 4th grade and 5th grade.  In 5th grade, he was voted the K-Kids Vice President.
Presley is doing it for the first time this year as a fourth grader.  They have to give up one recess a week to a K-Kids meeting.

One of the projects they do each year is ringing the bell for spare change collection during Christmas time.  Logan did it last year as a 5th grader and Presley did it this year as a 4th grader.  They donate 2 hours of their time down at Shopko and ring the bell as shoppers come through the door.  It's a big hit and they make quite a collection for the Salvation Army.  I love that my kids want to serve their community in this way.

Logan in 2012 (5th grade, age 11) with his photo-bombing friends Riley and Jackson.
Presley in 2013 (4th grade, age 10)

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