Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

It was a beautiful day here...the kids really only needed jackets and so we sent them outside to play while we cooked and cleaned.

Compare to Christmas Eve 2012 when Dave and Troy took all the kids sledding.
Christmas Eve 2013
Right before Grandma and Papa Nelson came over.
Dave cooked the turkey.
Presley did a little "performance". 

The kids opened their Christmas jammies from Grandma and Papa Kreider.
Grandma and Papa headed back to their house.
Daddy read "Twas the Night Before Christmas", like he does every year.

Christmas Eve 2013
A little Christmas Eve wrestling. 

Then we opened up a special present from my mom and dad...Papa with the Berries reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and the kids followed along with their own books.  Holly is playing the piano in the background.  Such a neat gift.

Family Timer Picture.
Logan and Presley put on some cookies and milk. 
And Rylan sprinkled some red glitter to help Santa land in our driveway. 
The kids followed Santa on NORAD (he was in Peru last we checked)
And they just missed Santa's delivery...

And that's how we celebrated Christmas Eve 2013

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