Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2024)

 Day 141, Monday, May 20th

Harper had her braces taken off today. 
March 2022/May 2024
26 months of braces

The Nelson kids are all braces free. 
Thank you Dr. Merrill!

Day 142, Tuesday, May 21st

Harper playing Fortnite tonight. 

Day 143, Wednesday, May 22nd

Logan went in to surgery with Dave today. 
He asked to job shadow the neurosurgeon. 

Day 144, Thursday, May 23rd

I have spent the last 8 years shaving corn off the cob for at least one kid during the Nelson braces era. 
Tonight, everyone ate it right off the cob. 

Day 145, Friday, May 24th

Probably watching Tik Tok's tonight

Day 146, Saturday, May 25th

Presley and Ry went golfing today in Cashmere. 

Day 147, Sunday, May 26th

Presley let me play with her hair today. 

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