Friday, May 24, 2024

Presley's Graduation (5-12-24)

 We flew out of Pittsburgh at 4:30,  arrived in Denver at 7:30, and arrived in Spokane at 9:30 at night. 

Presley met us at the hotel to drop off Rylan and Harper, we stayed the night, and Gonzaga's graduation started at 9:30 at the Spokane Arena on Sunday, May 12th, Mother's Day. 

We arrived at Presley's apartment at 8:15--she wanted to take a few cap and gown pictures before her ceremony. 
In true Presley fashion, she had a Mother's Day bouquet to bring to me. 
May 2022                                                  May 2024

Presley was in the 5th row.
She found us and we waved.

Waving to us as she takes the stage.
She was nervous about those steps!

Picture and words with President Thane
With Natalia

Samee and Amy hosted a Mother's Day brunch and watching party.
 Cristy and Joe and Lanae and Grandma and Papa Nelson watched too. 

We went back to Presley's apartment to help her load up a few things. 
She had to stay for a couple more days to complete her RA duties. 
Her roommate Natalia had hung up the Congrats balloons. 
We visited Presley on her birthday just a week after she had moved in last August and Natalia had hung a balloon sign for her then too.  
She's been a really awesome and sweet friend to Presley!

Presley had a dress change (she got a little spot on her graduation dress)
and we stopped by the McCarthy Stadium for a pic with the Bulldog. 
April 2022:  Presley and I toured the school after her acceptance.
May 12, 2024:  Graduation Day

Dropping them off after a patio lunch at The Osprey and we headed home. 

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