Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 17 (2024)

 Day 113, Monday, April 22nd

Our group text with Presley today. 

Day 114, Tuesday, April 23rd

Our "Emily Nelson" is still on the soccer picture advertisement. 

Day 115, Wednesday, April 24th

Presley checked into and received her badge for her conference this weekend. 

Day 116, Thursday, April 25th

Research presenters. 

Day 117, Friday, April 26th

Presley and I Uber'ed across the Bay Bridge for Rylan's 5:30 game today. 

Day 118, Saturday, April 27th

Day 2 of Rylan's basketball tournament in Oakland. 

Day 119, Sunday, April 28th

Harper and I flew home Saturday night to make it to her end of the year volleyball party. 
Of course, they played pool volleyball for 2 hours. 

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