Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sunburn Classic, Soccer in Seattle and Cherry Swamping

The week-end of July 29th through the 30th is brought to you by the letter S.

Rylan was invited by some of his friends to play in a local 3 on 3 basketball tournament. 

Ry loved their team shirts.

His age group were the incoming 5th and 6th graders. 

There's a big difference between going into 5th grade and going into 6th grade. 
This is who Ry had to guard.  They lost 20-2 this game. 

It was a very hot week-end.
The tournament had these misters out (probably for the players), but Harper and her friend kept cool while the boys played. 

Our Little Lefty.

Dave coached them on Sunday. 

Dabbing with the siblings at the end!
There were no other total 5th grade teams, so next year, when they're a year older, they might get a win. 

On Saturday, Dave took Logan to a friendly soccer game in Issaquah. 
The team they played is part of the other Washington State soccer league, RCL. 
We are part of PSPL and had never played them before. 
There was a Seattle Sounders Academy scout there to watch our boys. 

He seemed impressed with our level of play, and said he'd be watching more of our games in the future. 
Dave said Logan played very well and that he made great saves and great kicks. 

Dave texted me this comparison picture before the game. 
That's Logan and his goalkeeper coach, Javier. 
I think Logan was in 5th grade on the right, so maybe 5-6 years ago. 

Dave and Logan came back on Saturday evening and Logan pretty much went to bed. 
He had a cherry swamping job lined up that started the next day. 
He had to be up at 4:30 AM.  It's still dark at 4:30 so I told him he'd get to see the sunrise.  I don't think he was too amused by that. 
I followed him out with his big ol' lunch box and water bottle. 
We had to drive him down to his carpool meeting place until he got his license. 

Looked like a hot week to start working in the orchard. 
But he did a good job of going to bed early and waking up, and that first paycheck was a great motivation to work hard. 

We liked to check Find a Phone to see if we could tell where he was located. 
That's a whole lotta acres of cherry orchard.

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