Friday, August 18, 2017

Bye-Bye Birdie and Logan's (early) Birthday

Amy and I had bought Mom tickets for the Leavenworth Summer Theatre's production of 
Bye Bye Birdie for her birthday. 
Alyson, Mylee and Presley were joining us too. 
They came to Wenatchee on Tuesday, August 1st. 
Dave BBQ'ed for us and we had an early 16th birthday celebration for Logan. 

I don't know what Mylee and Amy were doing in the background. 

He gots lots of money and was so pleased with his dancing hula girl and hanging dice for his car. 
(We made him wait until after he passed his test to put those both up).

Grandma, Mylee, Logan, Alyson, and Amy

Logan had to get to bed pretty early because he had work the next day. 
And we were going to head to Leavenworth for the play. 

The play was held at an outdoor theatre at the Leavenworth Hatchery. 
It was a fun play with lots of retro flashbacks. 
I think mom liked it a lot. 

We came home pretty late that night and Dave had blown up the air mattresses. 
They all stayed the night.  We woke up the next day and had a little swimming time before it was time for them to go. 

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