Sunday, August 20, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 31 (2017)

Day 210, Sunday, July 30th
Ry played in the Sunburn Classic and Dave coached his team on Sunday. 

Day 211, Monday, July 31st
When you get to the park and ride before your mom does, and you take a little nap under the tree. 

Day 212, Tuesday, August 1st
Bye Bye Birdie at the Leavenworth Hatchery Theatre. 

Day 213, Wednesday, August 2nd
Harper wanted to go to Sunnyslope to play for a little bit today. 

Day 214, Thursday, August 3rd
Logan passed both his written and driving tests today. 

Day 215, Friday, August 4th
Ry played in the Washington Rush Cup this weekend. 
They took 2nd place. 

Day 216, Saturday, August 5th
Officially SIXTEEN and a legal driver!

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