Friday, August 18, 2017

Logan's 16th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Blue
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer and Basketball
What is your favorite food?  Pizza
What is your favorite book?  David Beckham's Biography
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A professional soccer player or a teacher as a back up. 
What is your favorite school subject?  Science
What are you scared of?  Clowns
What makes you happy?  When Ry and I train together
Where would you like to visit?  Hawaii and Manchester, England
What are you looking forward to in your 16th year?  Driving
What was the best thing about your 15th year?  Going to Nationals
What do you like to do with Presley?  Watch TV shows
What do you like to do with Ry?  Train
What do you like to do with Harper?  Sing in the car with her
What do you love about mom and dad?  They're supportive of me.
What do you love about your family?  We have great memories together. 

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