Thursday, August 31, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 34 (2017)

Day 231, Sunday, August 20th
Happy 14th Birthday to our Beautiful Presley

Day 232, Monday, August 21st
Trying to watch the solar eclipse. 

Day 233, Tuesday, August 22nd
Presley's Back to School Brinner

Day 234, Wednesday, August 23rd
Happy Eighth Birthday to our sweet Harper

Day 235, Thursday, August 24th
Ry's Back to School Lunch

Day 236, Friday, August 25th
Logan has a callus on his foot that's been bothering him so we bought him a pumice stone and Dave used it on my feet too. 

Day 237, Saturday, August 26th
Logan's first game of the fall season. 
We played against Bellevue and won 3-2.
Ry is warming up Logan here. 

Back to School Celebrations!

The last full week of summer vacation was our busiest of them all. 
Each of the kids wanted to have one last friends play date. 

Tuesday, August 22nd was Presley's Back to School Brinner. 
(3 kids were late due to soccer practices)

Ella came over early and her and Presley made chocolate dipped strawberries and blueberry muffins.  I also had sausage balls, chocolate muffins, doughnut holes, bacon, hash browns, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, and apple and orange juice. 

They ate, talked, and then went swimming. 

I had set out a paper for them to each write some goals they had for the year. 
This was Presley's...

On Thursday, August 24th, Rylan invited his friends over for a Back to School Luncheon. 

First they played basketball outside. 
Logan was on offense for both teams, so they basically lobbed it up to him and he dunked it.  
It was a tie game. 

Then we went inside and had Jimmy John sandwiches, chips, and fruit. 

And they swam and played noodle wars the rest of the time. 

That night was also Sunnyslope's Meet Your Teacher night.
We knew the kids' teachers already, but this is a time you can bring in your school supplies and see where you'll sit. 
Harper's teacher is Mrs. Gale (who also had Presley). 
I loved that she wrote a little note to Harper at the bottom of her letter. 
"I might call you Presley a few times".

Logan had his friends Nolan and Colby come over for the Saturday night McGregor vs. Mayweather fight.
I ordered pizza and bought the pay-per view fight and they ate and swam. 
I didn't get a picture of them. 
Dave did leave and watch the fight over at Troy's house. 

I did have one extra Back to School Goals paper, so Logan wrote some things down. 

Finally, Harper's turn was on Monday. 
We had a Back to School Brunch. 
Presley made muffins, and we had sausage, doughnut holes, fruit, and apple juice. 

And they played babies and swam for the rest of the time. 
These girls really loved the mermaid fins too. 

Whew! That was a busy last week of vacation!
We're ready for school to start again!

Harper's 8th Birthday

Balloons on her door for the morning. 

She came in our bed in the morning and told me she was eight.

Presley came in while we were still lying there to tell her happy birthday too. 

We didn't do much during the day (except ask 150 times when she'd get to open presents)

Harper wanted to go to Sumo Hibachi for dinner.
She didn't like wearing this face mask when they sang her happy birthday. 

Then we came home and opened gifts.

And had ice cream cake (her choice).

Blue frosting'ed tongues.

Harper tried out her roller skates and we took a late night swim. 

Happy EIGHTH Birthday!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Harper's 8th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Blue
What is your favorite sport?  Gymnastics
What is your favorite food?  Chicken in a pot
What is your favorite book?  My Little Pony books
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A gymnastics coach
What is your favorite thing about school?  Math
What are you scared of?  Snakes and Spiders
What makes you happy?  Playdates
Where do you wish you could visit?  Grandma's
What are you looking forward to in your 8th year?  Making new friends
What was the best thing about being 7?  Playing with my brothers and sister
What do you like to do with Logan?  Play 2 square
What do you like to do with Presley?  She lets me play with her friends
What do you like to do with Rylan?  Play Roblox together
What do you love about mom and dad?  They sometimes buy me milkshakes
What do you love about our family?  We're all kind. 

Solar Eclipse 2017

The Smith's came over for a swim and BBQ and we talked about the Solar Eclipse. 
I kinda knew it was happening, but hadn't put too much thought into it. 
Looking back I wish I would have bought moon pies to celebrate.

Logan had his sports physical that morning and we got back home about 9:45. 
We watched at first from the kitchen area. 

Then we moved outside to the deck.
(you can see the difference in the sky darkness between these two pictures)
Presley was very concerned for our safety, reminding everyone several times to not look directly at the sun or you will burn your retinas. 

She actually did remember learning about this solar eclipse during her 6th grade year. 
She told me that she was disappointed it wouldn't happen on her birthday.
I told her I didn't think the sun and moon would be willing to reschedule :).

We went out to the front to try to see some crescent shaped shadows, but we were too late. 

Wenatchee was at 92% totality, but I was expecting it to be much darker. 
We all noticed how much cooler it was. 
We did see the sun covered in a crescent shape on the right side and on the bottom.  

This was the picture I got...ha ha

Not quite what I had pictured, when I thought Wenatchee would look like this...

Cristy and Papa Berries drove to Potamus Point and were able to see a 100% eclipse. 
Pretty awesome...
That black dot is the moon eclipsing the sun.  That's really cool.
It looked much darker there to me. 

My texts with Dave

Presley's 14th birthday

Presley did remind me to put balloons up, but I wouldn't have forgot. 
One happy 14 year old!

Logan had a soccer game in Seattle (he was guest playing for the older Cobras team) at 9 AM, so they were up early and out the door.  
I thought it was sweet they remembered to write her a note in the morning before they left. 

One of her friends came over and brought her a Dutch Bros drink. 

Presley wanted to take one of her friends to the Stage Teen production of "Fame" so we picked up Ella and they went together to that.  A lot of their friends were in it so it was a fun production. 

Then we all went out to eat dinner at Presley's choice, Olive Garden.

And we came home for presents, cake and ice-cream. 
The big gallon of glue?  A gift from Logan and Rylan (they drove to buy it for her while she was at Fame).  This year could also be called "The Year of the Slime".

Logan lit the candles for her. 

We hope all your wishes come true Presley-girl!

We ended the night giggling over the Alaskan Cruise picture my mom sent us in an e-mail.