Friday, August 5, 2016

Lea's, Day-Lea's, Week 31 (2016)

Day 211, Friday, July 29th
Made it to Lake Wallowa today and Harper took a little walk with Papa Berries and Mickey. 

Day 212, Saturday, July 30th
Logan on the go-karts in Wallowa.  They were probably the favorite part of the trip. 

Day 213 Sunday, July 31st
The kids waiting for their last go-kart ride before we all left. 

Day 214, Monday, August 1st
Logan has to read 2 books before the start of school so he got started on one today by the pool.

Day 215, Tuesday, August 2nd
Presley's glasses came in today. 

Day 216, Wednesday, August 3rd
Logan had his friends over for an early birthday get together and Harper kept peeking out the window at them. 

Day 217, Thursday, August 4th
Harper and Ry using our newly paved driveway to rocket themselves from the top, around the corner, and stopping at the garage.  

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