Friday, August 5, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 30 (2016)

Day 204, Friday, July 22nd
Logan and Dave visited Mile High Stadium in Denver today. 

Day 205, Saturday, July 23rd
Fun at the Family Fun Center tonight

Day 206, Sunday, July 24th
Ry's team placed 2nd place at the Sounders Cup this weekend.

Day 207, Monday, July 25th
Grocery shopping with this one means occasionally taking a break to sit on a whoopee cushion and then laughing hysterically the rest of the shopping trip. 

Day 208, Tuesday, July 26th
We were so happy to have Logan and Dave back from Denver!

Day 209, Wednesday, July 27th
The Richmond's spent the day with us.  They were visiting from California. 
Tori couldn't believe how tall Logan was :)

Day 210, Thursday, July 28th
Dave bought a plyometric box and Ry and Logan have been working on increasing their vertical jumps.  This is Ry jumping up 24 inches. 

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