Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Harper's 7th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Yellow
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer
What is your favorite food?  Chicken in a pot 
What is your favorite book?  My Little Pony books
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Doctor
What do you love about school?  Math
What are you scared of?  Ghosts
What makes you happy?  When I get milkshakes
Where would you like to visit?  Grandma's
What are you looking forward to in your 7th year?  Playing soccer
What was your favorite thing about being 6? I got to play a lot. 
What do you love about Logan?  He lets me sleep on his futon.
What do you love about Presley?  When she plays babies with me. 
What do you love about Rylan?  He's almost always nice to me. 
What do you love about mom and dad?  They give me presents. 
What do you love about our family?  All of them love me.   

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