Saturday, August 27, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 34 (2016)

Day 232, Friday, August 19th
Family night swims have been a summer highlight. 

Day 233, Saturday, August 20th

Day 234, Sunday, August 21st
Grandma and Papa Nelson came for a swim and visit today. 

Day 235, Monday, August 22nd
Harper was headed to go swimming but decided to do a little roller skating first. 

Day 236, Tuesday, August 23rd
Our baby's birthday today!

Day 237, Wednesday, August 24th
Logan's first official high school ASB

Day 238, Thursday, August 25th
Sunnyslope's Root Beer Social tonight. 
The kids got to meet their teacher and bring in their supplies. 

Harper Turns 7!

August 22nd about 10:30 PM...
Snug as a bug...
I noticed her blanket was off to the side so I waved it up to lay it on top of her. 
The air must have blew on her face just enough to slightly wake her. 
She said, "thanks mom, love you, have the best dreams"
(this is what her and Ry yell to me when I close their doors after tucking them in)

The last picture of Harper as a 6 year old.
I tired to move her thumb out of her mouth but she just stuck it right back in. 

August 23rd
She's SEVEN today!
Laying on the couch, watching cartoons, all snuggly with KiKi.

It was a long day for her. 
She had to wait until after soccer practices to open presents and have cake. 
She passed some of the time this afternoon playing balloon volleyball with Presley. 
And she walked to the neighbors and colored with chalk on their driveway. 

We went to Red Robin for dinner and played Hangman. 
She guessed a lot of right letters, but she's not quite a reader and couldn't figure out my puzzle. 
Presley helped her out. 

We picked the boys up from soccer and opened presents. 
She's been begging for glasses like Presley. 
She asked for a cake with a Little Pony on it. 
Happy Birthday My Love!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Harper's 7th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Yellow
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer
What is your favorite food?  Chicken in a pot 
What is your favorite book?  My Little Pony books
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Doctor
What do you love about school?  Math
What are you scared of?  Ghosts
What makes you happy?  When I get milkshakes
Where would you like to visit?  Grandma's
What are you looking forward to in your 7th year?  Playing soccer
What was your favorite thing about being 6? I got to play a lot. 
What do you love about Logan?  He lets me sleep on his futon.
What do you love about Presley?  When she plays babies with me. 
What do you love about Rylan?  He's almost always nice to me. 
What do you love about mom and dad?  They give me presents. 
What do you love about our family?  All of them love me.   

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Presley's 13th Birthday

It's a little hard to wrap my head around the fact that we have another teenager in the house...
but it's official...

Presley is 13!

I tried to wake up early enough to get her running through her balloons but in typical Presley fashion, she was the first one up. 
I found her eating nectarines and watching cartoons.  
(I did have to tell her she had to take a shower today)

Our beautiful teenager!

Presley chose to ask two of her friends (Ainsley couldn't join us) to come with us to see the Leavenworth production of "Beauty and the Beast".

We ate at Wok About Grill in Leavenworth
She wrote on the chalkboard that it was her birthday.

And the waitress must have took note because at the end of our meal she brought out two huge birthday sundaes. 
Ella has always been such a great friend of Presley's.
Her card spoke Presley's love language.
Hi it's me Ella
I hope you are having a great day. You are the best friend I could hope for.  
Happy Birthday Presley  -  Ella
You will be  here someday

Presley wanted to make sure I included the story of our walk between the Wok About Grill and the Theatre.  I can't even explain it, but I tripped while walking and fell face first on the concrete.  The girls were walking just a couple steps ahead of me, and Presley turned around to see me laying there and yelled out, "mom, are you okay?", and then she kind of tried to shuffle over and help me up.  I was wearing a dress and I'm very positive that all the people headed into the theatre saw my undies.  My knees and elbows are banged up and my phone screen shattered, but mostly I was very embarrassed.  I don't even know how that happened. 

Aren't teenagers supposed to have the most embarrassing, "please world swallow me whole" moments?  
On this day, that moment belonged to the mom of the teenager.

The production was at Festhalle Theatre
Alex is a stage manager for Stage Kids who is also performing in Beauty and the Beast.  She saw the girls walk in and came up and talked to them in their seats for a little bit before the show. 
The show was fabulous and we stood in line to get a picture with Belle and the Beast. 

We dropped off Ella back at home and went out to eat dinner at Red Robin and headed home for presents and cake. 

She was a lucky girl this year because she got to celebrate with the Legard's at a big birthday celebration while she was spending the week with Grandma and Papa Kreider. 

I hope all your wishes come true this year sweet P!

Presley's 13th Interview

What is your favorite color?  Teal
What is your favorite sport?  Olympic gymnastics
What is your favorite food?  Tacos and bean burritos
What is your favorite book?  P.S. I Love You and All the Boys I've Loved Before (series)
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A scientist or a mathematician
What is your favorite subject in school?  Core or Math or Science
What are you scared of?  Snakes and Sharks
What makes you happy?  Acting and Reading
Where would you like to visit?  Hawaii
What are you looking forward to in your 13th year?  7th grade
What was your favorite thing about your 12th year?  Starting middle school
What do you like to do with Logan?  Night swimming
What do you like to do with Rylan?  Push him in the pool
What do you like to do with Harper?  Play legos
What do you love about mom and dad?  "They're nice and funny and get me to the places I need to be."
What do you love about our family?  "We each have our own way of doing things."

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 33 (2016)

Day 225, Friday, August 12th
We met for snacks fter Rylan's first game at the ReDapt Cup.
Casey's mom said Ry had to arm wrestle her for the chips. 
Ry won. 

Day 226, Saturday, August 13th
Ry took a free kick today and was just wide. 

Day 227, Sunday, August 14th
After our loss today, we went to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. 
These two....

Day 228, Monday, August 15th
Ry and I went grocery shopping and he helped bag the groceries and load them back into my cart. 

Day 229, Tuesday, August 16th
Logan is taking care of the flowers and garden for our neighbors while they are on vacation. 
Ry and Harper have been helping him out. 

Day 230, Wednesday, August 17th
This group brought Presley back home today. 

Day 231, Thursday, August 18th
On our way to Rylan's scrimmage in Leavenworth and Harper took a little snooze. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 32 (2016)

Day 218, Friday, August 5th
Our Favorite Fifteen Year Old!

Day 219, Saturday, August 6th
Logan's tournament was at the Polo Fields in Spokane which is close to a large stable area. 
Harper wandered away from where we were seated and I found her making friends with the horses.

Day 220, Sunday, August 7th
Waiting at the Red Lobster for dinner. 
They were all being so sweet with each other. 
And that sweetness was probably helped along by the fact that the Cobras took first place!

Day 221, Monday, August 8th
Happy 18th Anniversary to us!

Day 222, Tuesday, August 9th
Cheering on Michael Phelps to a gold medal!

Day 223, Wednesday, August 10th
My anniversary gift arrived in the mail today. 
Dave said in order for him to sleep with me for the rest of our lives,  he'd need to help find a way for me to stop snoring (and after 18 years, I'm not offended at all).

Day 224, Thursday, August 11th
I dropped off Presley to spend a few nights with Grandma and Papa Kreider. 
She started her trip with a tasty macaroon. 

Logan Turns 15!

On Thursday August 4th I went downstairs to talk with Logan at about 10 (because it's summer, we kind of just talk with him for a few minutes and then close the door, but he doesn't go right to bed).  As I was leaving the room, he asked me whether there would be balloons on his door in the morning. 
I had bought some balloons earlier this week, but I teased with him, "oh great, now I've got to run to Wal-Mart". 

Most years I take a "last picture of Logan's ____ year", and it's usually a sleeping picture,  but after I hung the balloons I listened at the door and he was still watching a show on his phone. 
(I guess this is the first summer he can stay up later than his mama). 

We actually had to be up early on Friday the 5th because the windows were being cleaned. 
I went downstairs and woke up Ry and then Ry and I went into to Logan's room and woke him up together. 
The first look at my 15 year old. 
It's hard to see but Ry is snuggling his face close to Logan to tell him happy birthday. 

While the windows were being cleaned we went swimming.  
Dave and Presley drove to buy Logan a strawberry frappucino. 

Logan asked for pizza for dinner. 
We ate and opened presents and had cake and ice cream.
The kids bought him a pair of sunglasses. 

He was not impressed with his cake. 
(In my defense, I had ordered a small cake because we were headed to Spokane for a soccer tournament in the morning and I didn't want old cake in the fridge when we got back). 

And I took Logan out for a drive for his 15th birthday!
Amy texted me while we were out...

I had promised him this, and then when I looked into getting his driver's permit I found out that he isn't allowed to drive/obtain his permit until just 10 days before his driver's education class begins. 
So I made a little illegal exception to the rule and allowed Logan to drive around the empty Mormon church parking lot. 

We snuggled down to watch the Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony for a while.
Michael Phelps carried in the American flag. 

It was kind of late when this ended so I was rushing to get the kids' teeth brushed and get them to bed, and Presley and Rylan were telling me they had one more thing to show Logan. 
(I had no idea what this was about and was kind of crabby with the kids telling them to hurry up)
And I went downstairs and they had created
this Happy Birthday message on Minecraft for Logan. 

We Love You Logan!