Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 17 (2015)

Day 113, Thursday, April 23rd
Running through the tunnel is still the favorite part of the game. 
(and the snack)

Day 114, Friday, April 24th
We got Harper registered for kindergarten. 
I've been telling myself all year that I'll be so happy when this happens, 
but now I'm not feeling that way about it at all. 

Day 115, Saturday, April 25th
We walked in the Youth Apple Blossom Parade. 
Logan and Dad were in Lacey for his State Cup Soccer Tournament and they lost the first game on Saturday morning and were eliminated. 

Day 116, Sunday, April 26th
Ry's soccer team picture was in the paper this morning. 
(Ry 4th from left)

Day 117, Monday, April 27th
Presley at her orthodontist records appointment.

Day 118, Tuesday, April 28th
Have Courage and Be Kind--Cinderella

Day 119, Wednesday, April 29th
Tricia and I are excited for the 2nd royal baby to make his/her appearance. 
(Her name has always been misspelled in my phone because thats the way Dave entered it and now it would look weird to me if I changed it to the correct spelling).
The baby did not come on this day. 

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