Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 15 (2015)

Day 99, Thursday,  April 9th
Harper's first soccer game of the spring season. 

Day 100, Friday, April 10th
Rylan's been trying to teach himself to blow a bubble.

Day 101, Saturday, April 11th
We picked up Presley's friend Ainsley on the way to play practice. 
Presley is really into this acting thing, it's nice to see her excited about it. 

Day 102, Sunday, April 12th
Joe and Lanae came to Wenatchee to see Sheryl Crow in concert and they stopped to see the new house.  We went out to eat dinner and then to Froyo for a treat.  It was Joe's 60th birthday on the 9th. 

Day 103, Monday, April 13th
Dave's bowling shirt.  
He was the first of his team to bowl a 200 game. 
So we had that embroidered on his shirt. 
They ended up winning the league.

Day 104,  Tuesday, April 14th
Mary has been Samee's best friend since 6th grade.  
I don't know why this show made her think of me (at 2:00 AM no less), but it made me laugh to receive this from her.
Dave and Logan actually do watch "Last Man Standing".

Day 105, Wednesday, April 15th
Rylan and his friend Kaid at Harper's soccer practice.  
They're checking out Pokemon cards together. 

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