Thursday, April 9, 2015

Harper lost her first tooth

During spring break we really started to notice how loose Harper's bottom left tooth was becoming.  Dave tried to pull it one night, but felt like he would have needed to tug a bit to get it out.  
We knew it would be soon though. 

After school on Tuesday I heard Ry say, "I really think I can get it" and then they played some, jumped on the trampoline, and then came back inside.  I was making dinner and Ry asked me for a napkin.  I asked him if he spilled anything and he said, "Harper told me I could try to get her tooth out".  I just decided to let them work it out.  I looked up and saw Ry giving Harper's tooth one little yank. 
He did it just like Dave does it--napkin around the tooth, pulling straight up. 
And viola....
Her first tooth...
No tears at all. 
The next morning Ry reminded Harper to look under her pillow to see if the Tooth Fairy came. 

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