Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Week-end

Friday was our last day of spring break and the kids were getting a little tired of parks, soccer, and trampoline jumping.  Presley asked if they could color eggs.  This is not a holiday activity that I really enjoy, partially because I never feel like I can hard boil eggs well and I can only remember making big messes on Grandma Berries table.  But, I went out and bought eggs and dye and we did it!!  Harper was the master of creating the one colored egg, Rylan was so careful when he lifted the eggs out, Presley loved the stickers and creating a rainbow of colors on her eggs, and Logan liked creating two color eggs, especially using yellow and purple to make a Panthers egg.   They were all so patient when waiting for a color or holding 1/2 the egg in the dye.  I think maybe I've changed my mind about this tradition :).

When everyone was done, Dave and I left the room and the kids had to choose their favorite looking egg.  Dave and I then judged from their favorites. And the winner was...
You can't see but he wrote words like Mom is Awesome and Dad is Super on his egg. 

Logan had a game on Saturday in Renton so we took Colby and spent most of the day there.  
Grandma, Amy, Alyson and Mylee spent a couple days in Seattle so they came to see Logan play. 
Logan's team won 3-1 and clinched their division championship. 
(Logan in red on left side of picture)

We went out to eat afterwards at Shakey's Pizza. 
Alyson, Logan, and Mylee

Grandma, Amy, and Logan

That night we got to go to a Seattle Sounders soccer game too. 
It was their first game of the 2015 season so it was very fun and our seats were really good!!

The won too, 3-1. 
We drove home that night and got in about 12:15 Sunday morning.
We dropped off Colby and then made it to our house. 
When Logan was getting out of the car he said, 
"Happy Easter mom". 

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