Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Presley gets her Braces

On Thursday, April 30th Presley got her braces put on. 
She has been looking forward to this for a while now. 
I almost forgot to get one last before picture but I remembered right as the nurse was lowering her down. 

Dave came by because he had a break in his day and went back with her for awhile. 
And the office staff and I chatted. 
They'll know us for a lot of years to come. 

Her first peek at them. 
She chose rainbow colored bands. 

And in about two years, these will be coming off. 

I dropped off Presley back at school and came back later because of a PTSA Assembly. 
Her teacher, Mrs. Lammert, came up to me and said, "your daughter looks so pretty with her braces". 

After school we stopped for a soft, frosty treat. 
Love that smile!!

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