Saturday, May 31, 2014

The day before our va-cay (May 30th, 2014)

Looking forward to spending the next 9 days in Hawaii with my loves!
(harper is just a tad excited)
 We left from our house in Wenatchee today at 4:00.
We stayed in Seattle this night. 

The drive was beautiful. 
It was hard to believe that with only a 5 hour flights, we'd be far, far away from any snow. 

When we got to our room at the Holiday Inn Express I looked down and realized that Harper had done what I asked when I asked her back in Wenatchee to put on her shoes. 
I just failed to tell her they should be matching shoes. 
So she chose two different ones and both left foot shoes. 

Good thing mom packed flip flops too. 

We're at the Sea-Tac airport right now waiting for our time to board. 
(I"ve never done a blog post from the laptop so I hope this posts). 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Presley's spring soccer season...

We so enjoy watching Presley play soccer. 
(I wish she enjoyed playing as much as we enjoy watching)
There was a lot of eye rolls and arm crossing toward the sidelines when Mommy or Daddy would cheer too loud, try to shout out advice, call her "P", or tell her to play defense. 

Her Team 
"Moustache Mania"

Making finger moustaches

Kick off time
Playing as a striker
Playing as a defender

I think its odd that I didn't get a picture of Presley as goalie.  Her and Taylor each played goalie for a full half of the game almost every single game.  I thought that Presley asked to be goalie because she got tired from all the on field running so I asked her if that was true and Presley told me, "no, other kids get asked but they don't want to do it because they're not as confident as I am" :).  

Rylan's spring soccer season...

This boy can play soccer. 

Ry got most of his goals from break aways like this one.  Once he got past the last defender, there was really no stopping him. 

Occasionally he did miss the goal, not very often though.

And occasionally Mom forgot the soccer chairs.

But we always celebrated with a fun run through the tunnel. 
I still think this end of the game ritual and snacks is the most important part of soccer to Rylan. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day, Monday, May 26th 2014

I only took these three pictures for the day.  We ended up doing yard work and I went shopping for some Hawaii items and then we went to Grandma and Papa Nelson's house for swimming time.

I never forget this week-end is NOT about BBQ'ing and swimming though. 

It was not real warm and the wind was blowing, but the kids still got in for about an hour.
They had a great time and were worn out. 

Dave and Dad ended the night with a chess game. 
Logan has joined the 6th grade chess club.  
He plays Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays during his IPeriod. 
He only gets to play if he's caught up on all his homework. 
Who knew chess would be a motivator to him getting his work done?
Also, he told me no girls are part of the chess club so they're not bugging him during that 30 minutes. 
Samee texted me this picture of this sweet American baby, Miryn.

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21

Day 141, Wednesday,  May 21st
Rylan's last day of spring soccer.  He scored 2 goals. He's playing goalie here. 

Day 142, Thursday, May 22nd
At Abby's Pizza for Rylan's end of the spring soccer celebration.  He got a soccer trophy and his coach said that Ry had the best footwork on the team. 

Day 143,  Friday, May 23rd
The teachers put on a wonderful luncheon and the children sang for classroom volunteers.  

Day 144, Saturday, May 24th
We went to the Wenatchee United soccer game.  Ry is watching while wrapped in the team flag.  They scored and he waved it all around.  We did lose this game, but won on Sunday. 

Day 145, Sunday, May 25th
Logan's knees are always dirty from goal training practice in our front yard.

Day 146, Monday, May 26th
I love my kids in red, white, and blue
God Bless America
Memorial Day 2014

Day 147, Tuesday, May 27th
Harper received her spring report card.  I was proud of her!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 20

Day 134, Wednesday, May 14th
It was crazy hat day at Sunnyslope Elementary.

Day 135, Thursday, May 15th
Presley's last game of the spring soccer season.
Her team name was Moustache Mania so they're all making finger moustaches.

Day 136, Friday, May 16th
The first really hot day of spring and we didn't have the air conditioner on yet. 
This was about 10:30 and Harper had taken off her jammies and kicked off her blankets. 

Day 137, Saturday, May 17th
Dinner and a movie kind of night.  We watched Walking with the Dinosaurs.

Day 138, Sunday, May 18th
Dave and I ran errands this morning and then the kids and dad played on the trampoline. 

Day 139, Monday, May 19th
Poor Presley.  Of all the footballs, soccer balls, golf balls, and baseballs we've thrown around in the backyard...Presley's tetherball flew off it's latch and smashed our dining room window.  She was crying because she thought Dad was going to be so mad at her.  He wasn't. 

Day 140, Tuesday, May 20th
Presley's dreaming of a Hawaiian vacation...
Only 10 more days!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lea's Day Lea's, Week 19

Day 127, Wednesday, May 7th
Harper had Wacky Wednesday at school.
Her hair was put up in lots of little ponies around her head and she wore mismatched shoes. 

Day 128, Thursday, May 8th
Harper fell asleep on the ride home from school so we photo-bombed her.

Day 129, Friday, May 9th
Harper likes to ride with her window down and her hair blowing all around. 
She said, "mom, my hair is dancing."

Day 130, Saturday, May 10th
A Presley soccer game. 

Day 131, Sunday, May 11th
Happy Mother's Day

Day 132, Monday, May 12th
Reading bedtime stories with all these feet resting on the ottoman.

Day 133, Tuesday, May 13th
Two kids did not want to wake up this morning.

Mother's Day Celebrations

I had a fun week-end celebrating being mom!!

On Friday, Harper's pre-school had a Mother's Day performance.
This song was something about Mother's Day on the 2nd Sunday of the month of May. 
Each child had to say what they loved about their mom. 
Harper said, "I love my mom because she does my hair pretty and she makes good dinner". 
(It's on video on my phone)
Then we each got a plant. 

On Saturday we had soccer games and then I went out to dinner at the Wok About Grill and went to see the movie, Mom's Night Out with a group from my Mom's Group. 

On Sunday morning I received some flowers and cards. 
Ry's letter to me.
Presley's card to me.  She told me that MOM upside down is WOW. 

My loves

Logan is getting to be more and more like his dad...

We went to each lunch with Grandma and Papa Nelson at Olive Garden.
 We then walked around the mall a little bit and I bought some things at Bath and Body Works.
Harper and I outside Radio Shack.  No mom wants to go into Radio Shack on Mother's Day.

Presley and I went to a play that one of her friends (Ainsley) was in. 

Then we spent the evening bowling and eating pizza and ice cream. 

BOOM!!  Mommy wins!!
At the bowling alley

There were 2 cards for me in Monday's mail too..

I love being a mom.