Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Weekend Review


Presley texted us asking if we wanted an afternoon coffee as this would be her last Java Dog run for a while.
She always takes Chewy for a drive and they give him a pup cup. 

Good-bye's to Logan on Friday, August 12th. 
Harper was leaving for a movie with friends so they said their good-byes earlier in the afternoon. 
Dave and Logan stayed the night Friday night in Seattle for an early Saturday flight. 
He made it to West Virginia in time for pre-season meetings and conditioning/training. 
(Logan on the right, posted on instagram)

The Larson Family was in Wenatchee visiting family this week so we were able to get together for a few hours on Saturday evening. 
Kevin, Troy, Dave
Twins--they won the Ladderball Tournament Championship 

Such fun to see everyone together again this summer. 

Saying good-bye to Chewy on Sunday morning
Sometimes I just needed to not make eye contact with Presley so the pretty sunflowers were a nice distraction. 
She has the cutest apartment on the 3rd floor. 

I texted this to Presley when we left.

But, year 2 good-byes were a lot easier for us!

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