Thursday, August 31, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 34 (2023)

 Day 232, Sunday, August 20th

Presley's GOLDEN birthday. 
We were able to celebrate with her in Spokane 

Day 234, Monday, August 21st

We picked up Chewy today from the puppy resort this morning.

Day 235, Tuesday, August 22nd

Rylan decided to finally clear out his backpack today. 
I didn't even know he got some academic awards at the end of the year. 

Day 236, Wednesday, August 23rd

Happy #14 to Harper

Day 237, Thursday, August 24th

Birthday Celebration in the sun at Lake Chelan

Day 238, Friday, August 25th

Back to School breakfast

Day 239, Saturday, August 26th

Ry attended a camp at Columbia Basin College this weekend. 
We stayed with Grandma and Papa, met new puppy Tillie, shopped for school clothes, and celebrated Miryn's September birthday with cake and card games. 

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