Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 31 (2023)

 Day 211, Sunday, July 30th

Ry warming up for the championship game. 
They lost by 4 today at the Auburn Fieldhouse. 

Day 212, Monday, July 31st

Grandma, Papa, and Archie leaving this morning after a fun weekend. 

Day 213, Tuesday, August 1st

Nelson Biker Gang
Grandma and Papa Nelson are moving and we're storing some things for them, including that 1974 Suzuki motorcycle that Ry and his friends got running again. 

Day 214, Wednesday, August 2nd

Evening dog walk

Day 215, Thursday, August 3rd

A hike up to Lake Valhalla today, about 11 miles round trip. 

Day 216, Friday, August 4th

These two went to watch the Barbie movie and they both really liked it. 

Day 217, Saturday, August 5th

Celebrating his 22nd birthday with friends (and Keith Urban) at Watershed this week-end. 

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