Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 33 (2023)

 Day 225, Sunday, August 13th

Dropping off Presley back at Gonzaga today. 

Day 226, Monday, August 14th

FaceTiming today to tell me about her Resident Advisor training. 

Day 227, Tuesday, August 15th

Took Ry to the school to shoot around and caught him getting some dunks in too. 

Day 228, Wednesday, August 16th

Practicing his "floater" today
Harper told me this is Ry in the "golden hour" 

Day 229, Thursday, August 17th

Dave made it home from Dallas tonight and Chewy was more than excited to see him. 

Day 230, Friday, August 18th

We went to watch "The Great Outdoors" tonight up at Ohme Gardens outdoor area. 
It was a fun thing to do. 

Day 231, Saturday, August 19th

First week of training complete :)
(Logan is in the back, just left of the middle)

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