Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 32 (2023)

Day 218, Sunday, August 6th

Ry went to a Max Hoops basketball camp this weekend in Portland. 
Dave and Presley went with him and they shopped while he was at camp. 

Day 219, Monday, August 7th

Harper found her charging cord for her hoverboard, charged it up, and tried to ride it again. 
She took a fall doing a trick.

Day 220, Tuesday, August 8th

Our 25th anniversary

Day 221, Wednesday, August 9th

Presley went with us to our Applarian meeting tonight. 
They were so thrilled to get to see her. 

Day 222, Thursday, August 10th

Grandma and Papa Nelson joined us for dinner and to celebrate August birthdays tonight. 

Day 223, Friday, August 11th

Dave and Logan left tonight to stay the night in Seattle for his 6 AM flight tomorrow back to West Virginia.

Day 224, Saturday, August 12th 

The Larson family came into town for a few days and we were able to have dinner and hang out with them for a few hours at Troy's house.  
(Ry had already left after Dave and him won the ladder ball tournament) 

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