Friday, May 29, 2020

Memorial Week-End

We took some Cap and Gown pictures on Saturday at Hydro Park. 

On Sunday, Presley, Harper, Ry and I drove to the Tri-Cities to celebrate Lincoln's 5th and Arthur's 1st birthdays with a drive thru parade!
It was so fun...I loved it. 

Then we went to Grandma and Papa's house and had a nice lunch and took a walk down by the river. 

We drove home that evening because Dave was leaving to work a couple days in Montana. 

Amy and grandma hosted an online cooking course with baked sweet potatoes that we had for dinner.

Presley made us a cake.

Harper had an online art assignment. 

Miryn went to Great Grandpa Kreider's niche

Grandma and Papa went to Kellogg last week to decorate Grandma Berries niche and visit Pom Pom's bench
And Chewy had his first pup cup. 

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