Friday, May 29, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2020)

Day 141, Wednesday, May 20th
Making s'mores tonight. 

Day 142, Thursday, May 21st
Presley babysits during the week and the little girl just loves Rylan. 
She made him a picture today. 

Day 143, Friday, May 22nd
Off to Costco today!

Day 144, Saturday, May 23rd
We took some cap and gown pictures today. 

Day 145, Sunday, May 24th
A trip to the Tri-Cities today for a much needed family visit. 

Day 146, Monday, May 25th
I did a virtual cooking class led by Amy tonight. 

Day 147, Tuesday, May 26th
Harper had a little break-down this morning. 
She misses her friends and teachers!

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