Monday, May 11, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 18 (2020)

Day 120, Wednesday, April 29th
Presley gave me a pedicure. 
She offered, but I think she may have regretted that. 

Day 121, Thursday, April 30th
A game of Monopoly today. 

Day 122, Friday, May 1st
Presley just being a sweet sister and playing Barbies with Harper. 

Day 123, Saturday, May 2nd
A trip to Safeway and a mask for safety for Harper Jean. 

Day 124, Sunday, May 3rd
Dave, Ry, and Chewy installing a new basketball rim. 

Day 125, Monday, May 4th
I made caramel squares and I think the edges were a little hard.

Day126, Tuesday, May 5th
Presley's online basketball award banquet. 
She was voted Most Improved Player. 

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