Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 34 (2018)

Day 232, Monday, August 20th
Presley's 15th Birthday

Day 233, Tuesday, August 21st
Harper's Back to School Breakfast

Day 234, Wednesday, August 22nd
Ry had a fun basketball practice this morning and I picked up all the boys and brought them back to swim for a couple hours.  

Day 235, Thursday, August 23rd
Harper's NINE today

Day 236, Friday, August 24th
Presley had Freshman Orientation today and then her first high school "Summer Breeze" dance. 

Day 237, Saturday, August 25th
It was a smoky day, so I took these two to the make and paint pottery place. 

Day 238, Sunday, August 26th
Presley's Back to School Brinner Party!

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