Saturday, August 18, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 31 (2018)

Day 211, Monday, July 30th
All 4 kids had dentist appointments today. 
They were all cavity free. 
Logan put his cavity free name flower at the very top. 

Day 212, Tuesday, July 31st
Logan had a special delivery of goodies by 2 of his girl friends tonight.

Day 213, Wednesday, August 1st
Playing Shark in the Water. 

Day 214, Thursday, August 2nd
Sometimes you get in trouble playing with Nerf Guns.  And they have to be put in time out in the back of mom's car. 

Day 215, Friday, August 3rd
Logan and Ry like to do work out challenges int eh pool.  
Logan is doing a one armed pull up with the waterfall going and then Ry is supposed to follow. 

Day 216, Saturday, August 4th
Nearly midnight before Logan's birthday. 

Day 217, Sunday, August 5th
We Love You Logan!

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