Friday, August 24, 2018

FIFTEEN: August 20, 2018

Presley's birthday celebrations really started with a trip to Leavenworth to see "The Sound of Music" with her friend.  

We made this same trip back in 2016 for Presley's 13th birthday. 

August 20, 2018 
The first look at my 15 year old. 

Remember that Logan whacked Presley with the 7 from his 17. 
This was a payback. 
And Presley did forewarn me that she was going to do it. 

I took Presley to the Mormon church parking lot and let her drive for the first time. 
She told me she was scared, but she did okay at the max speed of 10 today. 

She doesn't officially have her permit. 
A 15 year old has to wait until they are enrolled in a drivers training course before they can go to the DMV and get one. 

She did manage to park between the lines though!
(It's been so smoky here all week long)
Grandma and Papa Nelson came over for Presley's choice of Olive Garden, picked up to eat at home. 

Not exactly a great picture but she did blow out all her candles. 
And a little evening dog pile on our next birthday girl, Harper.

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