Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thanksgiving : 11/23/17

I woke up to the kids stretched out on the couch watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
I made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. 

The kids played stuff the turkeys (Ry and Harper)

I needed to run to the store for a few ingredients and when I got to check out, I realized I forgot my wallet sitting on the washer at home. 
Logan to the rescue...
Thankful for a driver today!

Dave was trying to put the ceramic Indian on Logan's shoulder. 

We drove to Grandma and Papa Nelson's for Thanksgiving dinner.

After dinner turkey sleepiness kicked in.

We played pool, watched football, Harper went through Grandma's jewelry, and Rylan went through Papa's old tools. 

Grandma made pumpkin pie and Ry was in charge of the whip cream. 

We made it home and read our thankful notes.

I'm thankful for my dad, mom, siblings, friends, teacher, God, my self, turkey, food, my cousins, my school, books, and Earth. 
From Harper

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