Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 47 (2017)

Day 322, Sunday, November 19th
Ry invited his friends over to practice their talent show act. 
I don't know that they practiced a whole lot, mostly they jumped on the trampoline, played basketball,  did karaoke, and had a dance off. 

Day 323, Monday, November 20th
Logan doing "dot dot line line" on Harper's back. 

Day 324, Tuesday, November 21st

Talent show auditions after school today.
Harper told jokes and Ry's 5th grade groups performed a one act play.

Day 325, Wednesday, November 22nd
Logan was selected to play in a college showcase tournament in Arizona in early January. 
He'll spend 6 days in Hawaii, come home for 2 days, and then 5 days in Arizona. 

Day 326, Thursday, November 23rd
Happy Thanksgiving

Day 327, Friday, November 24th
Presley and I were up early for Black Friday shopping. 
We were supposed to pick up her friend to come with us and when Presley texted her at 5:30 AM that we were in her driveway, she texted back, "I thought you meant PM, I'm so sorry."
We were out until about 9:30 that morning. 

Day 328, Saturday, November 25th
The tree is up!

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