Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Conferences and Christmas Lists

We had conferences at the beginning of the month. 
The district had a difference schedule this year. 
Instead of a full week of half days, the kids had Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday completely off. 
I wish we would have planned a little get away for those 5 days. 

On Wednesday, we had Rylan and Harper's conferences. 
Both of their teachers were also Presley's teacher. 
Rylan is at or above grade level in all the district testing. 
Mrs. Lammert shared that he's a leader in class, he's friends with everyone, and makes the new students feel welcome. 
When I was walking out of his class I saw these hanging on her outside bulletin. 
I love Rylan's response to BE....


Harper's teacher Mrs. Gale shared with me that another little girls parents were in right before me and  told Mrs. Gale how appreciative they are for Harper's sweet friendship with their daughter. She's new to our school this year, and has struggled academically.  They told Mrs. Gale that Harper tells her, "you are smart and you can do this work."  Harper is a little confidence booster and a good friend to her.  

When I told this to Harper she told me that this little girl only gets 3 correct on her spelling test and Harper tells her, "you know what? That's better than 2 and next week you'll get 5." 

Mrs. Gale has the nicest things to say about Harper.  She's a good friend, a good listener, is a leader and doesn't give attention to those who aren't being good in class.  I told this part to Harper too and she told me, " yeah, when T is making fart noises in his arm pit, I just ignore him". 

Mrs. Gale shared this writing sample with me. 
I texted it to my mom too. 
I thought it was so sweet. 

Conferences at the middle school and high school are arena style.  
So I just made my way around to each of their teachers. 

Presley is an outstanding student and so well liked by her teachers. 
My meetings with each of the teachers were so quick...they all just love her and were so complimentary to what a wonderful young woman she is.  
She's all around amazing!
This note from her art teacher came in the mail the week following conferences. 

Logan is also so well liked by his teacher and peers. 
He's not afraid to participate in class and speak his beliefs. 
School is not always easy for Logan...he really does have to work hard to get good grades. 
Sometimes that means re-taking tests and going in early to get additional help. 
But I'm glad he's not afraid to do that, and I tell him that he's making himself be a better student by being pro-active. 
I've always thought that Logan has qualities that can't be measured by a test, and I think those skills can be just as important as transcript records. 
But, he has to have A's and B's to keep the privilege of driving.
I was pleased when he texted me this...

We decided to do Christmas a little different this year. 
Each of us drew one name to buy for and we'll find out on Christmas who our Santa was. 
Lanae sent out this questionnaire for each of us to fill out to help guide the person who's buying your gift. 
I set this in front of Logan, Presley, and Harper while I ran to get Rylan from practice one night, and Ry filled his out a few nights later. 
Dave and I laughed while reading some of their answers. 

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