Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 46 (2016)

Day 316, Friday, November 11th
No school today so Harper had a playdate with a friend from her class. 

Day 317, Saturday, November 12th
Rylan making friends with his opponents on the basketball court. 
And while their brothers play, they color. 

Day 318, Sunday, November 13th
I didn't realize that Logan didn't know how to pump gas so I let him do it this time. 

When Logan was a little boy he loved the movie Toy Story.  There's a part in that movie when the mom and Andy are going to Pizza Planet and they stop for gas.  Andy asks his mom if he can pump the gas, and his mom says, "Sure, I'll even let you drive...when you're sixteen"
And now my little Toy Story loving boy is almost 16!

Day 319, Monday, November 14th
Presley had to do her disability challenge for her core class today.
She spent Sunday and Monday with the use of only one of her arms.

Day 320, Tuesday, November 15th
We had a weird hour until Logan had to be back at the high school so we did our homework in the library.  These two walking out together.

Day 321, Wednesday, November 16th
Ry's basketball picture. 

Day 322, Thursday, November 17th
Logan sent me a text with his biology quiz (which he studied approximately 5 minutes for).
His text read, "And you doubted me". 

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