Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 17 (2015)

Day 113, Thursday, April 23rd
Running through the tunnel is still the favorite part of the game. 
(and the snack)

Day 114, Friday, April 24th
We got Harper registered for kindergarten. 
I've been telling myself all year that I'll be so happy when this happens, 
but now I'm not feeling that way about it at all. 

Day 115, Saturday, April 25th
We walked in the Youth Apple Blossom Parade. 
Logan and Dad were in Lacey for his State Cup Soccer Tournament and they lost the first game on Saturday morning and were eliminated. 

Day 116, Sunday, April 26th
Ry's soccer team picture was in the paper this morning. 
(Ry 4th from left)

Day 117, Monday, April 27th
Presley at her orthodontist records appointment.

Day 118, Tuesday, April 28th
Have Courage and Be Kind--Cinderella

Day 119, Wednesday, April 29th
Tricia and I are excited for the 2nd royal baby to make his/her appearance. 
(Her name has always been misspelled in my phone because thats the way Dave entered it and now it would look weird to me if I changed it to the correct spelling).
The baby did not come on this day. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16 (2015)

Day 106, Thursday, April 16th
Presley had the puberty talk at school.
She came home pretty embarrassed and said she had never written the word "vagina" at school before. 

Day 107, Friday, April 17th
Dad took these two kids to a soccer game.

Day 108, Saturday, April 18th
Rylan playing in his second game of the weekend. 
They lost this one 1-2. 

Day 109, Sunday, April 19th
My mom called and said her and Dad were bored and wanted to go for a drive. 
So they came to Wenatchee to see the house and take us to dinner. 
And to show off her new license plate (DZNYGAL)

Day 110, Monday, April 20th
It was beautiful outside while we were waiting for Presley's acting class to start.
They found a ball in the back of the car and played Super Square.

Day 111, Tuesday, April 21st
Harper asked me for my notepad in the car and wanted to know my list of things I needed to do. 
She wrote while I spelled out loud. 
I know I told her I's, she either thinks Y's are I's or she didn't hear me correctly.

Day 112, Wednesday, April 22nd
One of the favorite parts of our house will be the 4 kid lockers in the mud room. 
They were installed today and Dave was seeing if they could sit inside to put their shoes on. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 15 (2015)

Day 99, Thursday,  April 9th
Harper's first soccer game of the spring season. 

Day 100, Friday, April 10th
Rylan's been trying to teach himself to blow a bubble.

Day 101, Saturday, April 11th
We picked up Presley's friend Ainsley on the way to play practice. 
Presley is really into this acting thing, it's nice to see her excited about it. 

Day 102, Sunday, April 12th
Joe and Lanae came to Wenatchee to see Sheryl Crow in concert and they stopped to see the new house.  We went out to eat dinner and then to Froyo for a treat.  It was Joe's 60th birthday on the 9th. 

Day 103, Monday, April 13th
Dave's bowling shirt.  
He was the first of his team to bowl a 200 game. 
So we had that embroidered on his shirt. 
They ended up winning the league.

Day 104,  Tuesday, April 14th
Mary has been Samee's best friend since 6th grade.  
I don't know why this show made her think of me (at 2:00 AM no less), but it made me laugh to receive this from her.
Dave and Logan actually do watch "Last Man Standing".

Day 105, Wednesday, April 15th
Rylan and his friend Kaid at Harper's soccer practice.  
They're checking out Pokemon cards together. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Harper lost her first tooth

During spring break we really started to notice how loose Harper's bottom left tooth was becoming.  Dave tried to pull it one night, but felt like he would have needed to tug a bit to get it out.  
We knew it would be soon though. 

After school on Tuesday I heard Ry say, "I really think I can get it" and then they played some, jumped on the trampoline, and then came back inside.  I was making dinner and Ry asked me for a napkin.  I asked him if he spilled anything and he said, "Harper told me I could try to get her tooth out".  I just decided to let them work it out.  I looked up and saw Ry giving Harper's tooth one little yank. 
He did it just like Dave does it--napkin around the tooth, pulling straight up. 
And viola....
Her first tooth...
No tears at all. 
The next morning Ry reminded Harper to look under her pillow to see if the Tooth Fairy came. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 14 (2015)

Day 92, Thursday, April 2nd
After work Dad jumped with the girls. 

Day 93, Friday, April 3rd
A little egg coloring went on tonight.

Day 94, Saturday, April 4th
Logan's soccer team clinched their division's championship. 

Day 95, Sunday, April 5th
Easter Sunday

Day 96, Monday, April 6th
We love March Madness.
Tonight was the championship game, Duke vs. Wisconsin.
(Wisconsin beat #1 ranked, undefeated Kentucky to get in the champship)
Duke won 68-63. 
I won the pool this year, but check out Logan's final prediction--
"Duke is going to win it all"
He's the only one who picked Duke to win the championship, the rest of us chose Kentucky. 

Day 97, Tuesday, April 7th
My baby lost her first tooth. 

Day 98, Wednesday, April 8th
Presley's first game of the spring soccer season. 
She's throwing the ball in here. 
Presley and Harper are both the same colors and both are wearing #8. 
The chances are high that Harper will end up in Presley's jersey and that Presley will end up in Harper's jersey at least once this season :).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Sunday

This Easter Sunday did not go as wonderfully as I would have liked. 
Crabby parents, tired kids, and bad attitudes that just did not improve throughout the day. 
 I hope we do better next year. 

We didn't even really have a reason to dress up today. 
Grandma and Papa Nelson were at the ocean and we weren't going to travel to see mom's family. 
I wanted to go to church, but we overslept from getting home late from Seattle. 
It was cold and windy and drizzly all day long. 
Dad tried to get another kid picture and made Rylan cry. (Mom got this one)
It was just sort of a no good, very bad day that happened to also be Easter. 

We started the morning with bunny butt pancakes though. 

And practiced air kisses. 
I'm pretty sure I made them take this picture together 
(and there's a good chance Logan squeezed her way too tightly right after this).

In an effort to do something fun, I took the kids to see the movie "Home". 
And it really wasn't that great. 

And Dave stayed home and made ham, rolls, and mashed potatoes. 

Dave told me we could go get a family picture on our new deck, 
but the kids didn't want to go so we left them for a few.

And we never did end up with a family Easter picture. 

 I did receive some text pictures from the Tri-Cities. 
Papa Berries made this look out and revealed it to everyone today. 
The "cousins" pic
(minus the Nelson kids)

I'm willing to bet that Easter 1989 was better than Easter 2015. 
(Cristy, Leanna, Dan, Amy, Samee) 

Easter Week-end

Friday was our last day of spring break and the kids were getting a little tired of parks, soccer, and trampoline jumping.  Presley asked if they could color eggs.  This is not a holiday activity that I really enjoy, partially because I never feel like I can hard boil eggs well and I can only remember making big messes on Grandma Berries table.  But, I went out and bought eggs and dye and we did it!!  Harper was the master of creating the one colored egg, Rylan was so careful when he lifted the eggs out, Presley loved the stickers and creating a rainbow of colors on her eggs, and Logan liked creating two color eggs, especially using yellow and purple to make a Panthers egg.   They were all so patient when waiting for a color or holding 1/2 the egg in the dye.  I think maybe I've changed my mind about this tradition :).

When everyone was done, Dave and I left the room and the kids had to choose their favorite looking egg.  Dave and I then judged from their favorites. And the winner was...
You can't see but he wrote words like Mom is Awesome and Dad is Super on his egg. 

Logan had a game on Saturday in Renton so we took Colby and spent most of the day there.  
Grandma, Amy, Alyson and Mylee spent a couple days in Seattle so they came to see Logan play. 
Logan's team won 3-1 and clinched their division championship. 
(Logan in red on left side of picture)

We went out to eat afterwards at Shakey's Pizza. 
Alyson, Logan, and Mylee

Grandma, Amy, and Logan

That night we got to go to a Seattle Sounders soccer game too. 
It was their first game of the 2015 season so it was very fun and our seats were really good!!

The won too, 3-1. 
We drove home that night and got in about 12:15 Sunday morning.
We dropped off Colby and then made it to our house. 
When Logan was getting out of the car he said, 
"Happy Easter mom".