Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Saint Patrick's Day 2014

Ry woke up this morning and ran upstairs to my bathroom as I was getting ready.  He announced very excitedly that "an elf peed in the toilet downstairs".  And noone used the bathroom downstairs the rest of the day.  

And when we got downstairs we noticed our sneaky leprechaun left some gold coins, shamrock undies, and green body wash. 

Mom made a green breakfast of green eggs, green milk, and green grapes.

Logan was happy and playful after school today.  He told me most kids didn't even wear green to school.  Then he said he was lucky his mom thought of these things.  
And I almost fainted from the compliment and then felt like crying that my son recognizes these little things. 
I'm sure the sweetness had nothing to do with the McDonald's Shamrock Shakes I treated the kids to. 

How lucky am I?

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