Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 11

Day 71, Wednesday, March 12th
Another nice day and Ry has started his spring training program.  He asked us to come outside to watch him do this.  

Day 72, Thursday, March 13th
We needed to go pick up Presley from "Math is Cool" and these 3 took a car selfie. 

Day 73, Friday,  March 14th
I picked up Harper from pre-school and they were outside at recess.  
I saw her swing all by herself.
Teaching your child to use a toilet and pumping their legs on the swing are two of the greatest parenting wins!!

Day 74, Saturday, March 15th
Dad took Logan and Presley to the State AAU tournament in Spokane and we stayed back and went to see The Lego Movie.  
And they played like this the rest of the afternoon.  It was so delightful. 

Day 75, Sunday, March 16th
I took Ry and Harper to the park to play.  It was pretty windy and chilly but they did have fun. 

Day 76, Monday, March 17th
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2010 and 2011 too

Day 77, Tuesday, March 18th
Harper likes to do homework at the table with Rylan after school.  She usually colors but today I wrote our names and asked her to write them too.  This is the first time she's ever copied words and I was pretty pleased.  I could definitely tell she has had lots of practice writing her own name.  

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