Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rylan's Friend Birthday Party...2/23/14

Rylan was so excited to have a friend party this year.  He decided to have a "I Wish It Was Summer" birthday party with his friends.  Rylan decided who he wanted to invite and there were 10 kids invited (including 2 sweet girls).  We held it at a local hotel and rented a room, the conference room, and the indoor pool for a few hours on Sunday afternoon.  

We started out in the conference room and colored summer pages as the guests arrived. 

Then we played three games of musical chairs and opened presents. 

We sang happy birthday and ate cake and ice cream. 

All of the kids were very ready to go swimming for the last hour. 
They liked the hot tub too. 

And when the kids were picked up they got their own pair of flip flops and a flavored water bottle. 

We had to rent the room for the night so we picked up the other kids and took them back for more swimming and pizza.  It was a very fun and easy 7th birthday party. 

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