Monday, January 6, 2014

Presley's Basketball Season

In an effort to try to stay in monthly order I want to make sure I post about Presley's basketball season.

Her recreation team played from November through the middle of December.  She is not competitive AT. ALL.  She did score in every game though.  Dave told her she could do a cartwheel if she scored 3 times in a game, and I was half expecting her to during the second game when she did make 3 baskets.  She did a lot of smiling and little leaps when she scored and always looked at us afterwards to make sure we were watching.   She also dribbles only with her right hand.  But for someone who does not practice basketball at home we thought she played through the season pretty well.
And this little girl did a lot of coloring during games. 

It was a fun basketball season. 

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