Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 1

I'm going to attempt to do a weekly post of a picture a day this year.  
Wish me luck on that...

Day 1, Wednesday January 1
Why yes, yes I did make matching shirts to ring in 2014.
We spent New Year's Day at California Adventure.
These are my loves. 

Day 2, Thursday, January 2
We spent this day in Disneyland all day. 
I love this photo of us going down Splash Mountain. 
Classic Dave "I know exactly where the ride's photo camera is".
Love him, love the screaming children, love Harper's smile. 

Day 3, Friday, January 3
We woke up early this morning and ALL 12 of us got into California Adventure at 7:45.  We were lined up as they officially opened the gates.  I don't know if I've ever been right at opening time. We really, really wanted Fast Passes to the new Cars ride, Radiator Springs.  Thomas ran to get the fast passes and the rest of us lined up and waited in line for our first ride.  We had to wait about 45 minutes (usually this ride has a 2 hour wait).  This was actually our second time (this time we used our Fast Passes) and had to wait only about 15 minutes.  It was one of my favorite rides.  My car did not win either time. This is all the adults:
Papa, Leanna, Dave (in front)
Grandma, Amy, Thomas (in back)
All six of the kids rode together in a car right ahead of us.  

Day 4, Saturday, January 4
 These two sweet cousins at the airport waiting to board.  Harper "weally wanted ears like Al-son".  

Day 5, Sunday, January 5th
Since we weren't home on the 1st, we read through our 2013 memories on this night. 
Such a fun look back over the year. 

Day 6, Monday, January 6
Back to the grind...school and homework greeted us today. 
We were NOT ready for it. 

Day 7, Tuesday, January 7
This is after basketball practice. 
Logan got new bands on his braces. 
He went with a green and white pattern for his soccer team colors.  

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