Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas at the Kreider's

We were on a Christmas high when we made it over to Leanna's parents house.  The kids were excited to be there and to get to stay the night at Little Grandpa and Papa's house (this is what Harper calls my parents).  I only took a few pictures here because in all the wrapping paper I misplaced my camera and didn't find it again until we cleaned up.

I was thankful to get a cousin picture though. 

Baby Miryn didn't feel too good today.  But she was still the cutest elf!!

Thomas and Dave

The last picture I took before I set my camera down and it was buried in wrapping paper.  
Harper loved her new baby and her winter headband.  

We stayed the night, and the next morning Dave and Logan went out searching for a new (working) PSVita and then we headed home about two.  I had a lot to do in four days to be ready for our upcoming Disneyland trip!!

We all had a very Merry Christmas.  

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