Monday, November 18, 2013

You have to remember to publish (August pictures)...

When Ry lost his second tooth, I searched back in my blog to make sure that I had included his first lost tooth.  I found this set of pictures (including his first lost tooth) from August in my saved drafts, but I guess I forgot to publish them for some reason.

The final month of summer...

A lot of August mornings started like this.
We made a couple of last minute school supply shopping trips to Target.
Ry didn't feel good one day.  

Three day a week soccer practices started for Logan.  
And we found some fun ways to make the time go by quicker.
Dave and Leanna on their 15th wedding anniversary (8-8-13)

Our family friend Anna Blair was married on 8-10-13
This was the money dance and Logan danced with her. 
Her and her husband are great swing dancers, and Anna didn't quite know how to dance with a 12 year old. 
Anna was at our wedding in the Tri-Cities on this exact same week-end 15 years earlier. 

 Dave saw this idea on Pinterest.  A fort with a fan.  Ry, Presley, and Harper had to come out because they said it got so cold. 
She had an eyelash in her eye.  Seriously. 
Some days we were just plain bored. 
Logan had his walk thru/locker practice at Foothills.
He wanted some alone time too.
I don't know what game they played on the IPad but they played it alot. 
Ry lost his first tooth on Presley's birthday (8-20-13)
We played outside a lot. 

I took Presley and then Ry and Harper out school supply shopping and let them pick where they'd like to go for lunch. I ended up at Red Robin two days in a row.  Not complaining though...
I'm not sure if I'm ready for this...

We had an incredible summer!!

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