Monday, November 4, 2013

Tricia and Danny Sorensen's Wedding: The Hours Leading up to the Ceremony

It was so dark the night before the wedding when the officiant made it to Yachats, Danny and Tricia opted to do a quick run through the morning of the wedding.  So Harper, Rylan and I went to the site at 9:30 and practiced.  Dave, Presley, and Logan ran to get coffee and muffins.  I'll just say that the flower girl and ring bearer behaved so wonderfully at rehearsal that we made time to do several trial runs throughout the day leading up to the wedding time.

Apparently they thought pushing eachother up the aisle would work...

The rest of the day we just sort of goofed around, going into Tricia's room at times and walked through the reception hall and went for a walk on the beach.
Getting her hair done...
The dessert table 
I was walking back to our room and saw these three hanging out on Loren's rooms' balcony. 
Tona and her two sons

 Finally I decided that the flower girl needed a nap before show time and she konked out for over 2 hours.  
While her and Dave slept, Amy invited the others over for a movie and rootbeer floats...
 (Logan, Mylee, Presley, Alyson, Rylan)

I wish I had some pictures of me getting Harper and Ry ready.  

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