Monday, September 2, 2013

Lake Chelan Week-end

We spent the week-end of August 17th-19th in Lake Chelan.  Logan was invited to play in a 3 on 3 basketball tournament with a couple of the Eastmont boys.   These are boys that Logan would have went to school with had we not moved to the Tri-Cities.  There were several teachers that had boys the same year Logan was born that worked with Dave when he taught those few years at Eastmont.  Anyways, it was a very nice invite.  Logan played well with these Eastmont kids.

On Friday, I took Presley, Rylan, and Harper to the waterslides.  Presley unexpectedly met up with a couple friends there and spent the day going down slides with them so I don't have any pictures of her.

Logan's team played 3 games on Saturday and one on Sunday.  They had 2 wins and 2 losses so they didn't place this time.  Lance Noell is one of the boys' dad and he coached them this time.  He is the new principal at Eastmont High School.  He was having a fun time teasing our Wenatchee boy.

In between games we let the kids play in the park and swim in the Lake.  Presley had such a fun time swimming way out to this floating cube and jumping off of it.  Logan and the boys pushed each other off of it.  Ry and Harper had a good time playing in the sand.  It was a hot week-end and we were thankful to be so close to the water.

After the Sunday game we headed home over the Beebe Bridge and stopped for milkshakes.  I got a text from Amy asking us to Face Time them for Alyson's purity ceremony.  Here we are finally connected via FaceTime...we're definitely no techies, but this was kind of fun to get to see even though we weren't right there.  My mom held their IPad during the ceremony so sometimes we were watching her legs when she'd set it in her lap.  I was happy to be a part of it from afar.

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